View Full Version : SHARON in the WHITE HOUSE AGAIN

12-02-2002, 08:46 AM
Few people resemble a pig more than Israeli Jew Sharon does. Here he was
again on Feb.7, ambling into the White House to meet his good friend Bush.
The dialogue as usual was secret but what little has come out indicates that:
SHARON the pig wants Arafat to be delinked from the "peace process." Bush
thinks there is no one else (yet) to fill the "gap."
The target of both is the Islamic movement, be it Hamas, Hizbullah,
al-Qaida, Islamic Jihad or Hizbut Tahrir. The problem is how to "empower"
Arafat to strike at the Islamists. (Arafat is too weak to become another
"Northern Alliance." So the Jews have him cooped up like a mouse in Ramallah
and keep putting pressure on him to go out and kill Muslims.)
Part of the game is to legitimize Arafat as a "real" opponent of Israel,
so that when he talks with the Jews, as he will sooner or later, it should be
as a genuine representative of Palestine who never gave in to Sharon.
It's a clever game. Arafat wants the Islamists to sacrifice themselves so
that one day he will one day get his little statelet.
Bush is quite ready to provide that bantustan "palestine" but Arafat has not
had the ability to go out and slaughter the Muslims.
In the meantime, Bush is so mesmerized by his own propaganda
that he can't see that the whole world can see him hobnobbing with the
world's top terrorist: SHARON. Hence all of Bush's talk about the "war on
terrorism" loses its authenticity.