13-06-2000, 12:46 PM
,you're so nice
almost towic
,you're so good
the way that no one would
,you're so cute
just keep it mute
,you're so kind
keep this in your mind
,you're so cool
it's true as my tall
[b]<small><small>[ تم تعديل الموضوع بواسطة HAKoNaMaTaTa يوم 13-06-2000]
almost towic
,you're so good
the way that no one would
,you're so cute
just keep it mute
,you're so kind
keep this in your mind
,you're so cool
it's true as my tall
[b]<small><small>[ تم تعديل الموضوع بواسطة HAKoNaMaTaTa يوم 13-06-2000]