View Full Version : for all swalif mambers ^_^
13-06-2000, 12:48 PM
,you're so nice
almost towic
,you're so good
the way that no one would
,you're so cute
just keep it mute
,you're so kind
keep this in your mind
,you're so cool
it's true as my tall
[b]<small><small>[ تم تعديل الموضوع بواسطة HAKoNaMaTaTa يوم 13-06-2000]
13-06-2000, 12:52 PM
Thanx Hakonamatata
u r so sweet
:) :) :)
13-06-2000, 12:56 PM
thanks alo0t wildorchid
but i have a Q
why all of peaple call you orkeda??
بنت الأحزان
13-06-2000, 03:41 PM
.... hi there HAKoNaMaTaTa
.... You are one of us
:) and so, you are the same of us
!! may I answer your question
:) Orchid is the short name for wildorchid
:) and so, day after day it became the name we call her
؟did I answer your question
ماهو صحيح ان البشر سهل ينسون
وشلون ننسى والظماير تنــــوحي
هــم وغم وليل واحزان وشــــجون
يالله تعيــن القلـب وتعـيــن روحي
======= ========
قابل للتغيير ؟؟!!
Katheer helloooooooooooooo
haja gedann gameela
wafakak alla
:) :)
قالوا علامــك باكيٍ قلت مطعـون * * * شوفو نزيف الـــدم مني تتالا
قالوا من اللي صوّبك قلت عافون * * * قالوا عدوّك قلت يا ناس لالا
هذا الحبيب اللي له القلب مرهون * * * هذا حيات الروح بدر الكمالا
14-06-2000, 07:21 AM
thanks 7zona :)
YEs you DID
14-06-2000, 02:05 PM
thanks alo0t anen :)
Don't worry,always smile
17-06-2000, 01:35 PM
Hi 'n' sorry if i didn't c it
but I really don't know why do they call me Orkeda
may be they r using it as a nick?
yeah, i think so