عرض مشاركة مفردة
الأسد الخجول الأسد الخجول غير متصل    
مشرف سوالف اللغات كندا  
المشاركات: 681
Sound Alike ..Defined Different

In English , there are certain words pronounced and spelled alike; however, they do not

share the same meaning. For such a reason, Errors in spelling could occur

: often by students who are not familiar with them

. Accept: ( verb ) to take an offer or to agree to do someting

.Except: ( conjunction ) it means exculding


.Advice: ( none ) an opinion given about behaviour or action that should be taken

.Advise: ( verb ) to tell somone what he/ she should do


.Affect: ( verb ) to Influence; ( none ) to produce strong feelings

.Effect: ( none ) it mens a result or ( verb ) to make an event take place


(A lot: ( informal phrase ) many or much. (not recomended to use it in writting

.Allot: ( verb ) to officially decide to give someone a mission or to distribute/ assign


.( Are: ( verb ) the present tense of Be ( plural

.Our: ( possesive form of We ) indicates ownership


.Bi:( prefix ) means two/ twice/ double

By: ( preposition / prefix ) as a preposition it used to give you an idea who made/ did

.something or to show what tool was used to do it;and as a prefix it is used to explain

. that whatever was mentioned is the submain object/ cause or the less important

.Bye: ( interjection ) informal word used to mean God be with you


.Bite: ( verb ) to cut/ crush an object or someone with the teeth

.Byte: ( none ) a computer terminology used to determine the capacity of a component


.Board: ( none ) a flat piece of wood/ metal/ plastic ..etc used for numerous tasks

.Bored: ( adjective ) a person who does not have any interest in doing anything


.Box: ( none ) generally defined as a container made in a square shape

.Books: ( none/ plural ) a set of pages put together in a cover for reading

.Bucks: ( verb/ plural ) an informal word means money


.Choose: ( present / verb ) to select

.Chose: ( past /verb ) something that was been selected


.Coarse: ( adjective ) it means rough / unrefined surface

.Course: ( none ) it means a series of lessons


Complement: ( none ) description of the good qualities put together as one group to

.make a completion point

.Compliment: ( none ) admiration


.Conscience: ( none ) the sense that makes you feel guilty if you do something wrong

.Conscious: ( Adjective ) awake or capable of noticing and realizing something


.Consul: ( none ) a representative of government that lives in a foreign country

.Council: ( none ) a group of people chosen to make rules , decisions and give advice

.Counsel: ( verb ) to listen and help people by giving them advice


Desert: ( none ) an area of land that is usually has very hot or cold dry wheather

where rarely any activities could be found and living beings be seen. As a verb to leave

.something or someone behind and stop your support and help to them

.Dessert: ( none ) sweet meal or food


.Dining: ( none ) formal/ eating a meal, Dine (verb) to eat a meal

.Dinning: ( none ) creating a noisy sound


.Does: ( verb ) pronounced as in Buzz

.Dose: ( none ) pronounced as in Gross, means the volume of medicine


.Folks: ( none / plural ) used in friendly way to address a group of people or family members

.Fox: ( none ) name of an animal


.Forth: ( adverb ) used to represent things like what you have already mentioned

.Fourth: the number 4 in sequence


.Hear: (verb) to notice sound/ voice with your ears

.Here: ( interjection ) or ( adverb ) its meaning depends on how it is used in a sentence


.It’s: a short form of It is and It has

.Its: ( abbreviation ) means that something belongs to it


Later: ( adverb ) means after the present time, ( adjective) something that is going to

.happen in the future or after an event

.Latter: (adjective) being the second of two people or things, Or it means the nearest time

.to the end of an event/ occasion/ session


Led: ( none ) technical a small piece or object ( emitting diode ) usually made of metal

.that produces heat, light, or gas … etc, when electricity passes through it

.Lead: ( verb ) the present tense of the verb to lead


.Loose: ( adjective ) not firmly tight; it is pronounced as in the word Goose

.Lose: ( verb ) to not win/ succeed ; it is pronounced as in the word Ooze


. ( منجم ) Miner: ( none ) a miner works in a mine

.Minor: ( adjective ) small and not very important or serious


Moral: ( none )The main beliefs of what is right and wrong behaviour or realizing

.between good and evil

.Morale: ( none ) the confidence and optimism a person carry within himself


.Peace: ( none ) the opposite meaning of War

.Piece: ( none ) a separated, broken, or uninstalled object that was part of something


.Personal: ( adjective ) means private

Personnel: ( none ) a group of people work in a department of a company, an

organization, or an army, where they often appoint individuals for jobs, solve their

.problems, or maintain their employees' records


Principal: ( adjective ) means the main, as a ( none ) it means the head administrator of a

.school/ college or an amount of money was been lent

Principle: Moral/ religious rules or ideas a person embraces in which make him act in

.certain manner


.Quiet: ( adjective ) calm

.Quite: ( adverb ) means fairly, slightly, to some extent/ degree , somewhat … etc


Read: ( verb ) The process of finding and understanding information

the past form is pronounced like the word Red;

.Red: ( adjective / none ) A colour / a person who is politically a communist


.Stationary: ( adjective ) immobile

.Stationery: ( none ) objects/ materials used for writing as papers with matched envelopes


.Than: ( conjunction ) used for comparison between two things

.Then: ( adverb ) used to introduce a particular time in the past of future


. Their: ( possessive form of they ) means that something is owned by / belongs to them

.There: ( adverb ) indicates to an area or location

.They’re: ( a pronone and a verb ) a shortened/ brief form of they are


.Too: ( adverb ) means more than what is been expected or considered reasonable

. ( 1 ) Two: the number ( 2 ) / is after the number one

.To: ( conjunction/ preposition ) used after and before nouns/ verbs in Sentences


.Were: ( verb ) the past tense of the verb ( Be ); it pronounced as in fur

." Where: ( adverb /conjunction ) indicates to a particular place ; it is pronounced " hwear

." We're: ( a pronone and a verb ) the shortened form of We are; it pronounced " weer


.Who’s: a shortened form of who is or who has

.Whose: ( possessive pronouns ) used to show the connection between two things


.Women:( none ) is the plural form as in the word Men

.Woman: ( none ) is the singular form as in the word Man


.You’re: ( a pronone and a verb ) the shortened form of you are

.Your: ( possessive form of You ) means ownership


الأسد الخجول غير متصل قديم 27-11-2007 , 09:12 AM    الرد مع إقتباس