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الأسد الخجول الأسد الخجول غير متصل    
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المشاركات: 681
American Idioms ) Getting Ready )

أسم الكتاب المستخدم: Success with American Idioms
أسماء المؤلفين: Lin Lougheed and the staff of Kaplan Educational Centers

أسم الموضوع:

Getting Ready

:Conversation One

?Karen: Would you help me look for my keys

.Pat: You’ll have to learn to keep an eye on your own stuff
?Do you remember putting them down anywhere

Karen: When I came in last night, I thought I had put them on the table, but
.they’re not there now

! Pat:Look out ! They’re right under your feet

:Conversation Two

,Pat: Could you speed up a little? If you’re not ready in five minutes
.we won’t be able to go together

Pat: I’m sorry your life is so complicated. Perhaps if we had
.live-in help, they could lay out your clothes for you

,Burt: I’d be afraid I wouldn’t measure up to their high standards
. and they would walk out the first day

! Pat: You’re putting me on ! You’d love it

:Short Talk

.As fashion changes, it is important to keep an eye on the latest treandsIf short skirts
.are stylish, women will want to take in the hems of their skirts

If narrow ties are in vogue, men will want to toss out the
wide ones and shop for replacements. Of course, you can always
.be your own fashion critic and wear whatever you feel like wearing

.Let everyone else follow your lead


الترجمة لبعض العبارات التى جاءت في النص:-

.Look for: Find; locate --

Look out: Be careful, pay attention --

.Put down: Stop holding, set down --

.Come in: Entre a house or building --

.Put someone on: Trick someone --

.Speed up: Go faster --

..Go together: Accoumpany one another --

. Put on: Place on something --

.Measure up: meet; match; be in alignment with --

.Walk out: Leave on foot --

.Keep an eye on: Watch out for --

.Take in: Shorten the length of or make narrower --

.Toss out: Throw away --

.Shop for: Buy; purchase; look for in stores --

.Lay out: Pick out or select and arrange so as to facilitate something --


Chapter 3: Having Breakfast

الأسد الخجول غير متصل قديم 23-11-2007 , 10:31 AM    الرد مع إقتباس