مشرف سوالف الكمبيوتر
المشاركات: 2,348
برنامج رائع لفك ملفات iso وملفات daa وغيرها من الملفات التي على هيئة صور
UltraISO can extract, create, edit, and convert CD/DVD image files. It can directly edit an ISO file, make images from CD/DVD-ROMs, or create a new one from files and folders on your computer. In addition, UltraISO can convert nearly all known CD and DVD image formats to ISO, BIN/CUE, Nero (NRG), Alcohol 120% (MDS/MDF) and CloneCD (CCD/IMG/SUB) formats, as well as burn CD/DVD images directly through Nero Burning ROM or Microsoft cdburn/dvdburn utility. UltraISO can be used as an universal CD/DVD image (including ISO and BIN) extractor, creator, editor, and converter with most CD/DVD-burning software and virtual CD/DVD drive software.
17-04-2008 , 04:40 AM
الرد مع إقتباس